Traditional Openings

The Italian Game is one of the oldest openings in chess and has been around for centuries. This classical 1.e4 opening can lead to slower and positional games as well as open, tactical battles. Although very common among beginners, the Italian Game is a part of the repertoire of players of every level.

The Ruy Lopez (also known as the Spanish Opening or Spanish Game) is one of the oldest and most analyzed openings in chess history. Most of the world's top players have adopted this rich opening as part of their repertoire, and many of them play it with both colors. Despite having a large amount of theory, it is an opening that players of all levels can enjoy.

The Sicilian Defense is the most popular response to White's 1.e4. Employed by masters and beginners alike, the Sicilian Defense is a reputable and positionally sound opening. Still, the Sicilian is a combative opening that tends to lead to dynamic and sharp positions.